Beat the Cold With These Activities

{As {we learned on Groundhog Day|you heard from Punxsutawney Phil}, {cold temperatures are|winter and cold temperatures are|winter is} {not ending in|not leaving} {Baton Rouge|the Baton Rouge area} anytime soon|{Winter is|Cold temperatures are} not coming to an end in {the Baton Rouge area|Baton Rouge} {soon|any time soon}}. {If {you’re|you are anything} like us, then {you’re|you are} impatiently waiting for {warmer weather|spring|spring and warmer weather} to {arrive|come}; so we made a list of {activities|things to do} to help {you have fun during this time of year|pass the time}|{Here’s|Here is} a list of {activities|things} you can do to pass the time {during the winter|when it’s {cold|cold outside}}|When the temperatures are too cold to {be|go} outside, {pick|select|use} an item on this list to find something to do}.

{Here are Paul Davis Restoration of Baton Rouge‘s favorite winter activities|Today, {we’d like to share|we share with you} our favorite winter activities from Paul Davis Restoration of Baton Rouge}:

1. {{Grab a hot chocolate and|Put on some cozy socks, grab a hot chocolate, and} warm up by the fire|Warm up by the fire with {a mug of|cozy socks and} hot chocolate}
2. {Eat a plate of cookies with a cold glass of milk|Eat cookies and drink milk}
3. {{Attend|Go to|Watch} a local hockey game|{Attend|Watch|Go to} a hockey game}
4. {Donate {food or clothing |}to a {charity|local charity|charity in Baton Rouge}|Be charitable – donate {warm clothing or food|food and warm clothing}|Make a charitable donation}
5. {Transport yourself to a {different|warmer} place by reading a book|Read a book – get taken away to a warmer place|{Spend some time|Curl up} with a good book}
6. Play {board games|old fashioned board games} with {friends and family|family and friends}
7. Watch a {TV series or movie|movie} marathon
8. {Dream about|Think about|Day dream of} a {sunny|beach|sunny, beach|warm} vacation

{No matter what you {decide|choose} to do, {make safety a priority|remember to prioritize safety}|When {you’re|you are} enjoying these {activities|fun activities}, please remember to {prioritize safety|put safety first}|Keep safety in mind no matter {which activity you choose|what you {choose|decide} to do}}. {Always dress warm|Dress warmly} if {are|you go} outside, follow safety {rules|procedures} with heaters, and have an emergency kit {ready|available} in case of a disaster.